Monday, June 15, 2009

Mount Everest Deaths

Mount Everest, also refered to as "Sagarmatha" in Nepalese, is an extremely deadly climb. Out of 2700 individuals that have climbed mount everest, there have been 210 deaths. Due to the immense difficulty of transporting even a few pounds of extra weight, bringing down bodies is nearly impossible. Even rescue attempts are a trial - In many cases more than a dozen climbers and sherpas are required to assist just one person down. It's said that past a certain point, corpses are littered everywhere. They can easily be seen from popularly established climbing trails.

Although Everest isn't an especially technical climb, the oftentimes unpredictable weather and low-oxygen "death zone" pose serious risks. Above 8000 meters (a little over 26,000 feet), oxygen levels are too low to support life. Without supplementary oxygen, body tissues begin to break down to keep the body alive. The death zone is the most perilous part of the journey, especially on the descent when oxygen levels are low.

More information about mount everest:


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